garlandale football club constitution
The name of the club shall be “GARLANDALE FOOTBALL CLUB” (hereinafter referred to as “the Club”).
2.1 The colours of the Club will be ROYAL BLUE, YELLOW and GREEN.
2.2 The alternate colours of the Club will be Orange and White
3.1 To foster, promote, encourage, advance and develop the game of Football.
3.2 To accept or otherwise acquire all such trophies as may be approved by the Club.
3.3 To bring about and foster a spirit of goodwill and understanding amongst sportsmen and sportswomen.
The Club shall be affiliated to CAPE DISTRICT FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION (hereinafter referred to as “the Union”).
5.1 Membership shall be open to all persons, subject to the approval of the Executive Body.
5.2 New application for membership shall be accompanied by a clearance certificate if the applicant was a member of another club.
5.3 Reasons for rejection of an application need not be given to the applicant.
5.4 The club executive reserves the right to terminate a member’s membership as specified within the club’s code of conduct.
5.5 New membership shall be on a probation period of one year. Any member wishing to terminate their membership within this period shall be liable to the prescribed subscription fee for that probation period.
The officials of the club shall be as follows:
6.1 Chairperson
6.2 General Secretary
6.3 Treasurer
6.4 Match and Registration Secretary
6.5 Youth and Coaching Convenor
6.6 Trustee (1)
The Chairperson shall:
7.1.1 Be the functional head of the Club.
7.1.2 Preside at all meetings of the Club, other than where a Committee has its own Chairperson or Convenor.
7.1.3 Act ex officio on all Sub Committees of the Club.
7.1.4 Represent the Club at all outside functions unless otherwise decided by the Executive Body.
7.1.5 Exercise his casting as well as his deliberate vote when voting is required.
7.1.6 Submit a Chairperson’s Report at the Annual General Meeting of the Club.
The General Secretary shall:
7.2.1 Attend to all correspondence of the club.
7.2.2 Convene all meetings as per Article 10.
7.2.3 is the guardian of the Constitution.
7.2.4 Submit a Secretarial Report at the Annual General Meeting of the Club.
7.2.5 Keep a clear and accurate record of all proceedings at Club meetings.
7.2.6 Compile and present minutes of all meetings of the club.
The Treasurer shall:
7.3.1 is responsible for the finances of the club in accordance with Article 8 of this Constitution.
7.3.2 Submit a Monthly Financial Statement.
7.3.3 Submit monthly accounts to all members.
7.3.4 Submit an Audited Financial Statement and Balance Sheet at the Annual General Meeting.
7.3.5 Submit a working budget document at the First Executive Meeting after the AGM
The Match and Registration Secretary shall:
7.4.1 Ensure that all members are duly registered with the Union and maintain an accurate record thereof.
7.4.2 Obtain fixtures from the Union timeously and hand copies of such to all managers.
7.4.3 Keep an accurate record of all matches played as well as all statistics pertaining to such matches.
7.4.4 Ensure that all results are submitted to the Union within the prescribed period of time.
7.4.5 Table a report at the Annual General Meeting.
7.5.1 Assume all duties pertaining to youth football for the club
7.5.2 Chair monthly meetings with youth managers and coaches
7.5.3 Ensure teams fulfil match day duties
7.6.1 Funds and assets of the Club shall be vested in the Trustees and they shall have full powers to deal with same.
7.6.2 The Trustees shall be entitled to sue or be sued on behalf of the Club subject to the instructions of the Executive Committee.
8.1 All monies shall be deposited in a bank, as decided upon at the Annual General Meeting, within three days after receipt thereof.
8.2 The Club’s financial books, accounts and vouchers shall be examined by an appointed auditor, whenever it may deem necessary. Two weeks notice shall be given to the Treasurer if such has to be done.
8.3 A final audit of the financial affairs of the Club shall be conducted by the appointed auditor as at the 31st December each year. Such report shall be tabled at the Annual General Meeting as per clause 7.3.4.
8.4 The Cash book, cheque book and receipt book shall be made available at all meetings of the club, except Special General Meetings convened for matters not pertaining to finance.
8.5 Annual fees and fines shall be decided upon by the Executive Committee at its first meeting.
8.6 The Executive Committee shall appoint the Auditor of the Club.
9.1.1 The Executive Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Exco) shall consist of all officials as per clause 6.
9.1.2 The Exco shall have full power to manage the affairs of the Club in such manner it may deem fit and expedient, provided such administration shall not be in conflict with the Constitution of the Club.
9.1.3 Any member of the Exco who fails to attend three consecutive meetings of the Exco may, at the discretion of the Exco, cease to be a member thereof.
9.1.4 The Exco shall be entitled to co opt members to the Committee.
9.1.5 Official replacement of members of the Exco shall be done at a General Meeting.
9.1.6 The quorum for Exco meetings shall be 50% plus 1(one).
9.2.1 The Protest, Misconduct and Enquiry Committee (hereinafter referred to as the PME) shall consist of four members elected by the Exco.
9.2.2 The PME shall adjudicate upon any complaint or misconduct by a member of the Club if such is referred to the PME by the Chairperson or the Exco.
9.2.3 The PME may reprimand, suspend or expel any member found guilty of misconduct which shall include any disgraceful, improper or unbecoming behaviour or any misdemeanour or malpractice, including the refusal to comply with the Constitution of the Club.
9.2.4 The decisions of the PME shall be binding upon the party or parties, save that there shall be a right of appeal.
9.2.5 The quorum for PME meetings shall be THREE.
9.3.1 The Selection of teams shall be effected upon by the Manager/Coach of that team.
9.3.2 Such selection shall be final and binding.
9.4.1 The Appeal Committee shall consist of the Executive plus 1(one) club member selected by the defaulter.
9.4.2 The Committee shall deal with all matters regarding appeal as referred to it by the Exco or Chairperson.
9.4.3 The decisions of the Committee shall be final and binding on all parties concerned.
9.4.4 The quorum for Appeal Committee Meetings shall be 90% of elected members.
9.4.5 Any member incapacitated or involved in the matter at hand shall be replaced at the meeting such appeal is tabled.
Failure to notify any person of any meeting shall not invalidate the proceedings of that meeting.
10.1.1 The Annual General Meeting of the club shall be held on the last Sunday in January of each year.
10.1.2 Written or Electronic notices of the meeting shall be sent to all members at least FOURTEEN days prior to the date of such meeting.
10.1.3 The agenda for the meeting shall be decided upon by the Executive.
10.1.4 The quorum for the meeting shall be TWO THIRDS of the senior membership of the club.
10.2.1 General Meetings shall be held at the Chairperson’s discretion.
10.2.2 The quorum for General Meetings shall be ONE THIRD of the senior membership of the club.
10.2.3 In the event of those present not forming a quorum within thirty minutes of the scheduled start of such meeting, those present shall go into committee as decided upon by the Chairperson.
10.2.4 All decisions taken shall be final and binding.
10.3.1 Special General Meetings shall be called by the Chairperson or on receipt of a requisition signed by at least A THIRD of the members of the Club. Such requisition shall state clearly the purpose of the meeting and shall be allowed TEN days notification so as to inform all members of the Club.
10.3.2 The quorum for the meeting shall by HALF of the members of the Club plus one member.
Committee meetings shall be conducted by the convenor of such committee as he /she sees fit and necessary.
11.1 Election of office bearers shall be done every second year. The elected officers shall serve a Two-year term.
11.2 All elections shall be conducted at the meetings as specified in this constitution.
11.3 Voting for elections of officials at the Annual General Meeting shall be by show of hands.
11.4 A member shall be an active club member for 3(three) years before being eligible to serve on the executive or be seconded at the discretion of the executive
11.5 The simple majority rule shall apply.
11.6 The Chairperson of the meeting in progress shall have a casting as well as his/her deliberate vote.
11.7 Elections of positions not specified in this constitution shall take place at the discretion of the Chairperson.
11.8 No junior member of the Club shall be eligible to vote in senior meetings.
12.1 Patronage of the Club shall be decided upon by the Exco and ratified by the General Body.
12.2 There shall be no limit to the number of persons the club shall bestow patronage upon.
13.1 The Chairperson shall be empowered to make press statements or submit press releases on behalf of the club.
13.2 No other member, unless instructed by the Exco, shall have any dealings with the media.
14.1 If upon the dissolution of the Club and settlement of all debts and commitments there remains any property, capital or accrued income whatsoever, it shall handed to a sister organisation of the Club. If no such organisation exists it shall be handed to an organisation that fosters the same objectives as the Club. Sponsored equipment or awards shall be returned to the respective sponsors.
14.2 The decision to dissolve and handling of 14.1 above rests with the Exco, whose decision shall be final and binding.
The Chairperson, Exco and all other officials shall be, and are herewith indemnified from any loss, injury or damage incurred by any member of the Club. No official of the Club shall be liable for any loss occasioned by any banker or other person with whom money is entrusted for safe custody, invested or otherwise placed.
16.1 No part of this Constitution shall be amended or rescinded except at the Annual General meeting or at a Special General Meeting, convened solely for that purpose.
16.2 A resolution to amend this Constitution shall require for its adoption a TWO-THIRD majority of those present and eligible to vote.
16.3 Notice of any proposed amendments shall be handed to the Secretary THIRTY DAYS prior to the Annual General Meeting or Special Meeting, convened for that purpose.
16.4 The Secretary shall send such proposed amendments FOURTEEN DAYS prior to such meeting to all members.
17.1 Any matter not covered herein shall be dealt with by the Exco.
17.2 This Constitution shall supersede all previous Constitutions, Rules, Bye Laws and Resolutions.
17.3 This Constitution shall be binding on all members of the Club.
Permission to use quotations from this article is granted subject to appropriate credit being given to as the source.